Terms Of Service
1. Definitions
Subsurface Studios, also referred to as We, Us, Ours, or Our, is a game development organization, primarily tasked with creating, polishing, publishing, and moderating Compensation VR.
Compensation VR is a Video Game developed by Subsurface Studios.
When We say the Service, the Services, the Application, or the Applications, we are referring to Compensation VR or any other Service or Application created and maintained by Subsurface Studios.
When We refer to You, we are referring to the current user of Compensation VR or any other Service or Application proved by Subsurface Studios.
You may also be referred to as The User or Yourself.
2. Liability
By playing Compensation VR, You agree to these Terms.
You understand you are liable for any and all damages resulting from your use of Our Services, including Compensation VR, the Compensation VR API, and all other services and technologies relating to Compensation VR.
You understand that you are responsible for your own conduct, and the conduct of any user with access to your Compensation VR account(s).
You understand that your access to Our Services, including Compensation VR, may be suspended or terminated at any time, for any reason, at the sole discretion of Subsurface Studios.
3. Publishing
Subsurface Studios reserves the right to request takedown of online versions of Compensation VR and content relating to it, for any reason.
You, as a User, are permitted by Subsurface Studios to modify and republish versions of Compensation VR, for quality of life adjustments and other non-malicious and non-commercial reasons.
You understand that this permission to redistribute Compensation VR may be revoked at any time, for any reason, temporarily or permanently.
4. Client Modification
You, as a Player of Compensation VR, are permitted by Subsurface Studios to fully reverse-engineer, decompile, modify, clone, copy, and redistribute modified copies of, Compensation VR.
HOWEVER, malicious, commercial, or otherwise unsavory usage of modified or decompiled versions of Compensation VR may result in this privellage being revoked.
In extreme circumstances, repeated malicious or commercial use of client modifications may result in your access to Compensation VR and other authorized Services provided by Subsurface Studios being suspended or even permanently terminated.
5. Privacy
By creating an account on Compensation VR, You agree to our Privacy Policy.
This may result in the collection of minor personal information about You, typically information provided directly to Us, such as your username, password, nickname, personal pronouns, biography, and other descriptive information.
6. Data Disclosure
Subsurface Studios will not disclose personally identifiable information about Users to any third party, except as absolutely required by law or subpoena.
The only exception to this is for the data storage and sorting services utilized by the Compensation VR API.
This information is not publically accessable.
The Privacy Policy for these services can be found here (Google Firebase) and here (MongoDB).
7. Content Creation - External
We reserve the right to request the takedown of content published that was filmed in Compensation VR, if it shows You violating the Compensation VR Terms Of Service or Code Of Conduct.
You have full license to record and publish content created in Compensation VR, under the sole requirement that you:
- Obtain the direct verbal or written consent of all individuals you plan to film, and who are included in the final product.
- Remain within the bounds of the Compensation VR Terms Of Service and Code Of Conduct throughout the entire production.
8. Creative Tools
Creation tools on any platform are difficult to moderate, therefore when infractions do occur we may take stronger action than is necessary.
If you feel action against you was unwarranted, please contact the Compensation VR Community Support and Moderation teams to appeal actions.
While we attempt to moderate creation tools to the best of our ability, Compensation VR and Subsurface Studios cannot guarantee the cleanliness of all content made within Custom Rooms.
It is for that reason that we strongly encourage you to use our in-game reporting tools to report rooms that violate our Code Of Conduct.
By using Compensation VR, You understand that Subsurface Studios reserves the right to remove any content that violates the Compensation VR Code Of Conduct, or the Compensation VR Terms Of Service.
You understand that Subsurface Studios may take action against You for any content that violates the Compensation VR Code Of Conduct, up to and including your access to the Services being suspended or terminated.