Compensation VR

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Update 1.3.0

This update primarily consists of updates to our room loading system, and as such it's more backend changes than things you'll notice.
That being said, we've added a few nice quality of life features, as well as a big new release, so let's get into it!

Room Loading Redux

We've redone our internal room loading system, which will greatly improve expandability for our planned future updates.
We've also used this opportunity to add two new menus!

The possibility of custom rooms is extremely exciting to us at Subsurface Studios, and we're working hard towards that goal.
Because of this, we're displaying all rooms using the notation {author}/{roomname} going forward.
We hope this will clear up confusion in the event that custom rooms begin impersonating official rooms. Please remember that official CVR rooms will always start with 'CVR/' going forward.

Loading Screen Watch

We've readjusted how the loading screen works to fade into a cube instead of a flat plane, and we've enabled the ability to use your Watch while in the loading screen. You can use all features in your watch while loading, except switching rooms. Any button that switches the room you're in will be locked out while switching rooms.

Lounge V3

We've completely redone the Lounge!
You can access it by going to your watch -> Lounge, searching for it in the new 'Find Rooms' menu, or using the Originals tab.
You can still access the old lounge, it is located in CVR/LegacyLounge. We'll likely be unpublishing it soon, so get your enjoyment out of it while you can.

As always, thank you for playing Compensation VR!
We hope to see you out and about in the future!