Compensation VR 2.0.0
It's finally here.
After nearly two whole years of blood, sweat, and tears, we've finally released our cornerstone update.
Being the original reason behind Compensation, creation tools have always held a special place in our heart.
For that reason, we've been working extremely hard non-stop on this update this whole month.
Technically, this update started way back in the 2021.X.X versions, where you could spawn pizza props with the 3D printer.
Now, it's developed into a fully featured creation system, complete with mesh editing, booleans, OBJ imports, and more.
From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you for staying with us all this time.
Major Updates
All players can now create rooms using the Create Room button in the Find Rooms menu.
Players will recieve access to the creation tools, shortly after the update releases.
You can now manage rooms through the Room Management menu when viewing a room.
Minor Updates
- You can now view the current room under Find Rooms -> This Room.
Bug Fixes
- We fixed an issue with the collisions in Basketball!
- Grabbable objects in Basketball should be more reliable now.
- Fixed an issue where opening the settings menu while flying would cause your game to softlock into endless falling. Embrace the void, my children.
More Information
Players will recieve access to the creation tools, shortly after the update releases.
For more information, please see this news post about update 2.0.0.
It has been a very long 2 years. After all this time, we're just about done working on Compensation.
It's not perfect, but we'd like to move on. Therefore, this will likely be the last full-size update. We have plans for a patch
for Oculus compliance, and we will fix gamebreaking bugs, but other than that, it is unlikely major updates will continue unless
the popularity of Compensation picks up.
From the bottom of all our hearts, thank you for playing over all this time.